This is often called Equine facilitated learning and incorporates all activities on the ground with horses. Horses are big strong animals so learning to groom, massage, lead and control is a huge confidence builder. This has been so successful that we will add it to our service provision, as not everyone wants to ride a horse, some just want to create a relationship from the ground. In the warmer months, we have also been able to offer family sessions in the sensory park with a meet and pat of a pony.
The comments from the participants and parents has been rewarding but for us seeing the progression to controlling the horse without another leader has been quicker than we ever dreamed. That trust gained has carryover into life and everyday activities. The pictures tell the story.
We are also very aware that these sessions are not available to all due to safety reasons as our volunteers are required to maintain social distance. We do look forward to resuming as near to normal service as soon as possible next year. Whilst we are able to host a very limited service, we are still greatly in need of support especially over the winter months and to help us fundraise for a new pony.