Anya Medley was placed 1st, Ayla Jane Morton was placed 3rd, Lily Arneil came 4th in Test 1 Led and Josh Syme was second in the Un-led Test; a super result for all our riders. Here we have Anya, Ayla Jane and Josh Syme (sadly Lily had to leave early and missed being in the photo). Well done riders and of course many thanks to our volunteers who helped on the day and made it such a success.

Shiresmill Riders Smash RDA Dressage Championships 2016!
Shiresmill Riders Smash RDA Dressage Championships 2016!On Sunday 2nd October, four of our Shiresmill riders competed in the RDA Scottish Dressage Championships at Sandyflats in Glasgow. We are very proud and delighted to tell you that with the help of our wonderful Harry all of our riders achieved a place!