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Participant Organiser

Claire Lambie

 My background is in Tourism & Hospitality management with over 20 years’ experience in Customer Service. I came across a Facebook post asking for evening volunteers after the pandemic and as someone who was brought up on a farm and used to ride as a child it was the perfect opportunity for me to get involved.

    Since joining as a volunteer in August 2022, I have since taken on a shared role along with Mary, to be Shiresmill TRC Participant Co-ordinator, I generally deal with our existing Participants while Mary deals with all our new applications. I love to see how all our participants engage, learn and flourish during their lessons but what is even more     inspiring when, as Co-ordinator, I hear all the great feedback from families and friends about how their time with the ponies has such a positive impact on their day to day lives long after their visit.

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