Results for Trained Coaches
Therapeutic Riding
In Therapeutic Riding the aim is to teach basic riding skills and horsecare, gradually decreasing the level of assistance required; riding is taught but there is also a focus on th...Coaches
All sessions at Shiresmill are led by RDA qualified Group Coaches who regularly update, meet and attend Regional and County training days. In addition they are all assessed by the ...Joint Coach Development Session at Shiresmill
Last night our riding coaches took part in a joint coach development session here at our centre with teaching from Patrick Print OBE BHS Fellow.Category: news
Coaches in Training
Lynda Milne Cat Morahan Gillian Lugg Mary Mitchie ...RDA President's Award- Well done Lesley!
We would like to congratulate Lesley on being awarded the President’s Award in recognition of over 30 years working with Riding for the Disabled. We are so lucky to have Lesley as...Category: news
Secretary, Financial Administrator and Pony Sponsorship
Lynda MilneParticipant Organiser
Mary MitchieChairperson
Lisa CairnsNew Coaches at Shiresmill
Congratulations to our two new coaches Alison and Jade. We welcome them and their brilliant ideas to the Coach team. Thank you to all to the volunteers who attended on the evening ...Category: news
Equine Assisted Learning Workshop with Sarah Morehouse
Today at Shiresmill we had a training workshop run by Sarah Morehouse an Equine Assisted Learning practitioner from America who is currently studying in Scotland.Category: news